Tickling Ears; Deceiving Thousands
2 Timothy 4:3,4--"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths."
Joel Osteen is not the first public teacher to fulfill Paul's prophecy in his letter to Timothy. However, since I minister in the Houston area, I want to publicly address this ministry for the sake of the people in my church and all who will read this blog (probably 3 people).
If you missed the interview with Larry King, I would encourage you to check out the transcript at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0506/20/lkl.01.html
Now, I also want to mention that apparently Osteen received a lot of flack for the way that he dodged clear questions by Larry King. So, he apologized to everyone who was offended...Check out his apology here: http://www.joelosteen.com/site/PageServer?pagename=LarryKingLetter
The main issue in the apology was Joel's squirming around Jesus as the only way to heaven. When plainly asked if Jews and Hindus and others who don't trust Christ would be saved, he said that "I don't know." This is called universalism and it means that all roads, religions and practices can lead to heaven. It is heresy!
Some of you reading this may not be familiar with the reasons that I am warning people of Joel Osteen. Let me list a few: (by the way, he did not apologize for these in the above letter)
Joel Osteen is not the first public teacher to fulfill Paul's prophecy in his letter to Timothy. However, since I minister in the Houston area, I want to publicly address this ministry for the sake of the people in my church and all who will read this blog (probably 3 people).
If you missed the interview with Larry King, I would encourage you to check out the transcript at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0506/20/lkl.01.html
Now, I also want to mention that apparently Osteen received a lot of flack for the way that he dodged clear questions by Larry King. So, he apologized to everyone who was offended...Check out his apology here: http://www.joelosteen.com/site/PageServer?pagename=LarryKingLetter
The main issue in the apology was Joel's squirming around Jesus as the only way to heaven. When plainly asked if Jews and Hindus and others who don't trust Christ would be saved, he said that "I don't know." This is called universalism and it means that all roads, religions and practices can lead to heaven. It is heresy!
Some of you reading this may not be familiar with the reasons that I am warning people of Joel Osteen. Let me list a few: (by the way, he did not apologize for these in the above letter)
- He does not preach the Gospel! He spends his entire sermons on self-help tips and throws some Scripture in at the end...Followed by an invitation to "accept" Christ. This obviously leads people to false assurance of salvation and a misunderstanding of the nature of grace.
- He does not mention sin. (that's a big problem when you are a minister of the Gospel and the Gospel is about God's restoration of a people who are SINFUL by nature). The Bible is clear that the wages of sin are death. Not to discuss this is to deny the authority of Scripture and pervert the Word of God. He claims that he does not want to condemn people so he avoids sin. 1 John 1:8 "If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
- He takes no stance on abortion and same-sex marriage from the pulpit. See his reasoning on this in the interview. Basically he says that he interprets the Bible literally and that it is the inerrant Word of God. But--he does not mention abortion and same-sex marriage because they are political issues. (What does this say about his view of God's Word? Public opinion trumps Romans 1?)
- He teaches a health and wealth prosperity gospel. In other words, the main goal of Christianity is to be blessed physically. (See article for more)
- He has a following of thousands! Thousands of people (57,000 + opening weekend) are attending Lakewood, thousands of people pack out arena's across the country at his conferences and thousands more watch by television.
So my warning to you is not to be deceived by this false teacher. Do do say he is a "good preacher" with weak theology. Do not say that he is a "positive preacher" and I listen to him for a lift. Beware! This easy gospel is trapping thousands. Don't trade "feeling good" for the truth. Perhaps I will write a review of the interview with Larry King in a coming blog, but for now, be warned! Test everything that you hear (including this article) and hold on to the good (1 John 4:1).
TBC - (aka the semi-smiling preacher, j/k)
Thanks for putting this little section together. I've read it to people at work and my roomies and it is tragic what is going on there, but it is something we need to be aware of. Thanks for your commitment to preaching the whole counsel of God!
Posted by
billy newhouse |
9:24 AM
Well whatever you think about some TV preachers, at least I don't see them putting stuff about his witch-crafting astroglogical signs in their profile....you might want to check out your moon and see if perhaps your are off in alignment right now.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:58 AM
Haha. Wowzers. You're not mad at Joely are ye? Haha. My friend said she read an article where he said, "I won't teach you doctrine but I will teach you how to feel good about yourself." But I hope you find grace for this man.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:29 PM
Dear Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous,
You have a good point. Blogger just does that automatically when you put in your information. I'm not giving any subliminal messages in favor of witchcraft...
Posted by
Travis Cardwell |
9:19 AM
Thanks for your comment. I'm troubled to hear about the quote that you gave (I'd like to see the source on it.) The intention of passages like Matthew 18 is to restore people to the Lord and protect the flock of God from wolves. That is my goal with this blog as well. I don't think Joel O. is purposely trying to decieve people into Hell. However, I can't stand by and say nothing when a "watered down" gospel gets so much press and attention. I hope you understand my heart and where I am coming from. I grieve for Joel O. and his congregation...I do not take this lightly...I think preaching is the most sacred task on the planet. May God raise up preachers who are bold enough to preach His Word! Thanks again...
Posted by
Travis Cardwell |
9:25 AM
Travis -
Billy told me to read the transcript of that interview. Combined with your analysis it is very clear that Osteen does indeed tickle ears with his message of prosperity. It makes you wonder if he ever bothers to read about Paul's being content in every situation or Jesus' lack of earthly riches. Anyway, good post.
Side note - What's up with the "anonymous" posters always questioning a Christian's sincerity because of the astrology stuff in our profiles? I happen to be an Aquarius who believes in the saving power of Jesus' blood. I also happen to have been born on a Wednesday. Is that bad too? ;)
Glad to hear the vacation was good....
Posted by
Jason M. Kates |
8:52 PM
Posted by
Jason M. Kates |
10:58 AM
I like comment #12, where you ask, "Do you have a rock to cling to?"
Have a great week.
Love ya,
Debbie Cardwell
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:08 AM
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