Friday, January 27, 2006

Alethia Ministries: Vision and Introduction

The 1st audio post for Alethia ministries is now accessible here. I hope that you will come with us on this journey to seek and to know God's truth. May we all grow in grace and knowledge of the truth!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Mohler on Darfur

Al Molher has written on the genocide in Darfur here. His final point is that awareness is the first step in taking action. As followers of Christ, we must act! Read, think and pray. What can be done? How long can we stand by and watch this happen? If things continue the way they are, 100,000 people could be dying every month!

Also check out this blog previously posted on Mercy Swimming by Keith Strahan.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Introducing Alethia Ministries

Alethia = Truth

The time has come! For some time now, the idea of beginning a ministry geared toward the building up of the local church has been brewing in my heart. Now, through the providence of God, we have the resources to begin Alethia Ministries. When I say we, I mean my good friend Keith Strahan and myself. We are hoping that this will be the beginning of something special for many years to come.

Our goal is to provide resources for pastors, church leaders, and church-going believers that will glorify God and enhance Kingdom ministry. The main resource that this site will provide will be interviews with pastors, church leaders, deacons, elders, 'worship leaders' and more. If you are familiar with 9 marks ministries, then you will understand where we got the idea. May God help us rightly divide the word of truth and always seek to build up His bride!

Stay tuned for our first interview, which will describe our vision and purpose in more detail.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

New Together for the Gospel Blog

Visit the New Together for the Gospel Blog!

Few conferences have been as anticipated as Together for the Gospel (especially for those that run in my circles). It has been deemed the "dream conference" due to the contemporary heroes of the faith that will be teaching: John Piper, R.C. Sproul, John Macarthur. The conference will be hosted by the new and upcoming figure heads of conservative Christianity: Al Mohler, Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, and C.J. Mahaney. (shown in picture) Click here for all speaker information and ministry links. You get bonus points if you can tell me who is in the portrait behind these four guys. (this is just a cheap ploy to get a comment...)

If you are a pastor, seminary student, or layperson in the church you need to make the trip to Louisville KY on April 26-28! I hope to see you there...bring extra money for books!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Album Review: Derek Webb's Mockingbird

Derek Webb's music is difficult to label. In fact, the whole process of labeling, stereotyping, and oversimplification are topics addressed in depth in his new album Mockingbird. I know that many of those who read this blog are familiar with Derek's previous work, but if you are not, click here and here.

I know a few of folks that have listened to this CD and totally dropped off the D-Webb bandwagon. Part of that comes from an interview conducted some time ago by Part of this anti-Webb sentiment also comes out of Derek's clear criticism of the war, Christian legalism, and social issues such as our neglect of the poor in this country and the death penalty. Still want to get the CD?

In "A King and a Kingdom," Webb describes two major lies: one being "if you eat from this tree you will not surely die, and the other being that Jesus Christ was a white middle class republican...and if you want to be saved you have to learn to be like Him." Yes, he just got our attention...and we all know that shock-value is one of Derek Webb's specialties.

I have greatly enjoyed this album and I recommend that you buy it, listen to it and think! One of His ideas is that we (American Christians) would rather have our religion, politics and social views handed to us in a nice pretty box after we walk the isle, instead of forming our own opinions based on biblical convictions. So, if nothing else this CD will make you evaluate your position on the issues we are dealing with today. Personally, I have greatly benefited from it, and hope that you will enjoy it as well!

Monday, January 16, 2006

More Pictures of Caleb

Caleb is Here!

Caleb Bryant Cardwell was born on Thursday, January 12th, at 12:15 PM. He was 8lbs and 15 oz. (1 oz. lighter than his big brother), and 20 inches long. Alicia and the baby are doing wonderfully. I wanted to share with you some of our first pictures of this special day. You can click here to visit Caleb's First Photo site and you can leave comments as well.

I want to thank all of you who have prayed for Caleb and Alicia. Your prayers have been heard by the all-sovereign Father. He has given us a deep, massive ocean of mercy to live in and we are completely undeserving. Praise be to God!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

It's 2006, Baby!

For some reason I am having a hard time thinking past January 12th. The reason is that my beautiful wife, Alicia is scheduled to give birth to our 3rd Child (either Caleb or Addelyn) Lord Willing...yes it's going to be a surprise! Caraline wants a girl and Brayton wants a "broder."

We greatly appreciate your prayers and will post pictures and updates as soon as possible. Alicia will be undergoing a C-Section at noon on Thursday in Beaumont.

I am so amazed at the ways God bestows His mercies. My life is an ocean!

Happy New Year!...Go Horns?