Thursday, May 18, 2006

Passion and Gifting in the Preaching Ministry

I was touched by all of the messages at the Together for the Gospel Conference. I particularly enjoyed C.J. Mahaney's message "Watch your Life and Doctrine." I enjoyed it for many reasons, but I want to share with you the most prominent one. My friend Jason Williams, pastor of New Beginnings Baptist Church in Dayton, Texas was in attendance. Jason is a wonderful pastor and an especially good preacher. His passion in the pulpit is worth modeling and his love for his people is genuine.

Jason is finishing up his undergraduate degree currently and has no plans to attend seminary. Often times he jokes with me about being his "master" and such. I wanted to point out a blog by Mark Dever comparing C.J. to the great Baptist preacher, John Bunyan. When I read it, I thought of my friend Jason. God has used him in many ways, most evidently in his gifting to preach the gospel. He is a "tinker" who can touch the hearts of those who hear his words. Continue to preach with passion, creativity and ferver, my brother!

If you would like to know more about Jason, visit his blog here, or his church website here.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

R.C. Sproul on the Da Vinci Code

I have been asked many times about Christian responses to Dan Brown's best selling book The Da Vinci Code. Recently Ligonier Ministries, the teaching ministry of R.C. Sproul has presented an article and inverview concerning the Da Vinci Code in light of the coming movie by Sony Pictures. I would strongly encourage that you read the entire May edition of Table Talk containing the article and listen to the interview with Dr. Sproul.

Click here for Windows Media.

Click here for Quicktime.

Click here to read why Chris Donato, Associate editor of Tabletalk, decided to pursure the interview.

May the truth be clear and the Saints be ready to give a response!

(HT: Ligonier Ministries)

Friday, May 05, 2006

Together For the Gospel Roundtable Discussion

On April 26-28, in Louisville Kentucky I attended the most edifying conference of my life. Together for the Gospel was a refreshing, encouraging and convicting venture. At the very least, it is a sign that God is raising up a generation of pastors who are seeking to faithfully shepherd our churches. Many results from the conference are already being manisfested.

After the conference was over, Myself and some pastors, friends and fellow laborers sat down and discussed the impact of this conference, as well as the overall themes of each message. If you would like to tune in, visit the Alethia Ministries Weblog.

Also, you can view the final version of the TFG Affirmations and Denials. Can you sign your name to this document? Why or why not?