New Together for the Gospel Blog

Visit the New Together for the Gospel Blog!
Few conferences have been as anticipated as Together for the Gospel (especially for those that run in my circles). It has been deemed the "dream conference" due to the contemporary heroes of the faith that will be teaching: John Piper, R.C. Sproul, John Macarthur. The conference will be hosted by the new and upcoming figure heads of conservative Christianity: Al Mohler, Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, and C.J. Mahaney. (shown in picture) Click here for all speaker information and ministry links. You get bonus points if you can tell me who is in the portrait behind these four guys. (this is just a cheap ploy to get a comment...)
If you are a pastor, seminary student, or layperson in the church you need to make the trip to Louisville KY on April 26-28! I hope to see you there...bring extra money for books!
Are you really that desperate for comments? You poor, poor thing.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:03 AM
That looks amazing Travis... I'm not a pastor, but it would be amazing to get to hear those men. I take it you're going....
Posted by
Rebekah |
12:11 PM
I'm definitely like flynn. (whatever than means.)
Posted by
Travis Cardwell |
12:33 PM
Is it Mr. Charles Spurgeon himself? I never would have noticed that detail! How wonderful! Wish I could go, but I know there is limited space for the men. (No complaints here, promise)
Posted by
Vanessa |
4:11 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! C.H. Spurgeon it is... Good eye Vanessa!
Posted by
Travis Cardwell |
7:13 AM
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