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New Alethia Ministries Interview with Bro. Jerry Johnson

Many young pastors would do well to listen to the sound advice of Jerry Johnson, Senior Pastor at The First Baptist Church of Liberty. Over these 25 years he has gained much insight into the local church and especially in some of the practical outworkings of pastoral ministry. This interveiw is also available at the Alethia Ministries Blog.

Hard copies of this interview will be available on Sunday April 16th at FBC Liberty, as Bro. Jerry preaches his last sermon as Sr. Pastor. A donation of $5 is suggested for each CD. If you can't make it to church on the 16th send a self addressed envelope to FBC Liberty, (Attention Alethia Ministries) P.O. Box 88, Liberty, TX 77575 (with your $5 enclosed...cash only please).

Enjoy "25 Years of Pastoral Ministry with Bro. Jerry Johnson" by clicking on this link.