Church Dress: An Act of Worship or Just an Act?
Check out this blog by Billy Newhouse on Church Dress. Don't just read it, but think about it, comment on it and form your own stance on the issue. I'd like to know your stance by the way. I agree with Billy!
good blog post...i used to try to dress up, but i don't feel comfortable at church dressed up. However, at FBC, i did feel looked down upon because i wasn't as dressed up as others. I like our new church, because the pastor comes dressed is slacks in a polo...the way it should be
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:15 PM
Dressing up is a part of my worship, personally. However, I understand that for some (most) it is not. And I'm completely fine with that. I don't see them looking down on me for dressing up and I don't look down of them for dressing down. For me, I need that; and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. But I also don't think there is anything wrong with dressing down... as long as it complies with Scripture (modest, reflective of Christ, pleasing to the Lord), than I believe that is all that is required to honor the Lord.
Posted by
Rebekah |
9:02 AM
I've attended churches where anything less than the traditional "Sunday best" drew a few stares, but I've also gone to UBC in Waco where college kids show up in little better than pajamas and Church under the Bridge with homeless people. Where did I encounter God? All of the above. I think it's more about getting your heart prepared to worship rather than dressing your body.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:10 PM
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