Soulspeak, by Ross King

If you follow Ross King you probably already know about his newest project Soul Speak. It is now available on If you are new to Ross' music, I encourage you to pick up the new album and consider looking at his other work (click on music) as well. Ross is a true believer that puts down on paper and in the studio what is happening in his life. I appreciate his friendship and his Christ exalting music. Here is what he says about Soul Speak:
"Soulspeak is my newest worship project. I recorded it at The MixLab, my studio in College Station, TX. I like this record a lot, and I hope you will, too. The project includes 10 brand new songs, as well as 2 re-recordings and 2 covers. In my opinion, this is the best worship CD that I’ve ever done. I hope you enjoy it."
-Ross King
Ross also serves as a pastor at Community Church in College Station, TX.
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