Expositional Listening?

If you are familiar with Mark Dever, or Nine Marks Ministries, you will know that he argues that "The first and most important mark of a healthy church is expositional preaching. Expositional preaching is not simply producing a verbal commentary on some passage of Scripture. Rather, expositional preaching is that preaching which takes for the main point of a sermon the point of a particular passage of Scripture.”
Thabiti Anyabwile is an elder at Capitol Hill Baptist Church, in Washington, D.C. and he has written an article entitled 9Marks of a Healthy Church MEMBER: Expositional LISTENING. I commend it to you. Perhaps you are stuggling with the importance of expositional preaching in your own congregation. Maybe you are involved in a church where the Bible is faithfully preached and you are looking for ways to enhance the role of Scripture in your weekly schedule. This article will help and encourage you to cultivate habits of expositional listening that will help you to "not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers , but to delight in the Law of the Lord day and night."
May God bless the reading, preaching, and listening of His inspired Word!
(HT: Nine Marks Ministries)
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